How do I register to take the GMAT in Dubai?

To create an account and register to take the GMAT in Dubai:
  • 1. Go to and click Schedule a GMAT Exam.
  • 2. Enter your information in the grey boxes/required fields to create an account.
  • 3. Once you click submit, you will be taken to pages to create a profile. Your information will be automatically transferred. Be sure to complete additional information with a red asterisk * next to it. You DO NOT have to fill in all the information to register.
  • 4. You will probably have to wait a few days for your account to be approved so check the site a few days later to confirm your registration.

Keep in mind:

  • o You will need your credit or debit card with you. The fee to take the GMAT is US $250 (AED 918).
  • o If you cancel more than 7 days before the exam, you get a US $80 (AED 294) refund. It’s better to reschedule the test for later.
  • o Cancel less than 7 days before the exam? You don’t get anything…so schedule wisely!
  • o If you reschedule more than 7 days before the exam, you pay a US $50 (AED 184) fee.
  • o Reschedule less than 7 days before the exam? This reschedule counts as a CANCELLATION…so you will have to pay another US $250 (AED 918).
Where to Take the GMAT in Dubai

Testing is offered at:

The Exam Preparation & Testing House in Academic City

Suite 703 7th Floor, Apricot Tower, Academic City Phone: +971-4-333-3616

To schedule an exam, an appointment must be made at one of the designated test centers. The GMAT may not be taken more than once within 16 days but no more than five times in a rolling 12-month period and no more than eight times total, even if the scores are cancelled. Official GMAT exam study materials are available on the online store and through third-party vendors. The cost of the exam is $250. Upon completion of the test, test takers have the option of cancelling or reporting their scores. As of July 2014, test takers were allowed to view their score before making this decision.

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